As part of our sustainability roadmap – we have been focused and committed to the control of pollution & waste, minimisation of the environmental footprint and reduced consumption of natural resources

Aman Foundation

Sustainable development is the cornerstone of our business strategy to achieve sustainable and profitable growth. To provide impetus to our various environmental management initiatives, Aman Foundation was set up in April 2018, with a vision to safeguard and improve the environment.

Tree Plantation Project

Jain Cord in collaboration with Aman Foundation is working to make our city clean and green. All trees are planted on government-appointed green belts and are taken care of for 3 years till they become self-sustainable. The Canopy of trees is primarily irrigated using recycled water from the Sewage Treatment Plant so we don't further deplete our freshwater resources. We are also striving to inculcate a sense of responsibility among school students across Gurgaon by conducting workshops and involving them in our tree plantation drives.

Water Recycling

Aman foundation has been working on use of recycled water in coordination with HUDA, now GMDA. The textile processing industries at Behrampur Road, Gurgaon have started using tertiary treated recycled water from the STP for all their industrial processes, saving 6-7 Million Liter Fresh water per day. This is the first initiative of its kind in north India. It’s a win win situation for everyone, the industry is able to procure water for the industrial use on the long term basis and the city is able to save potable water which can be used for domestic use.

Water Recycling

Other Initiatives at Jain Cord

Solar Energy Harvesting

Solar Energy Harvesting

Install solar power unit on roof top of our premises with 1 MW of capacity. The power generated by these solar panels is expected to take care of 35 - 45% of our electricity requirement. Estimated investment = $1.25 million

Rain Water Harvesting

We have rain water harvesting in all our facilities. 100% water collected is recharged into the ground to increase water table. We plan to build additional rain water harvesting reservoirs in the new facility at Kosi, spread across 187,000 sq. feet.

Rain Water Harvesting